Treating symptoms in pregnancy can be a challenge for many practitioners. It is important to realize that some symptoms may be normal during the course of pregnancy as well as postpartum. Depression is a common symptom in the postpartum period and can be classified in 2 categories: baby blues, and postpartum depression.
Baby blues should subside within 2 weeks and usually starts immediately after birth however, postpartum depression will start in the first year, last several months & if untreated, progress to a severe state. Medications will be utilized which are safe for both fetus & mother, prioritizing the antidepressants that are safe during pregnancy and avoiding one which is contraindicated (Paxil). Additionally meds will be utilized that are secreted in the lowest percentage in breast milk like Zoloft.
In the case that those are ineffective, there is an alternative in an older antidepressant class, called TCA, known to be safe (Pamelor). For bipolar patients, medication deemed to be a risk to baby will be avoided at all costs and instead we will be looking to use safe options in both classes of mood stabilizers such as Latuda, which received a B rating— better than all of the other C ranked meds.
At Las Vegas Psychiatry prioritizing women’s health & baby’s safety during obstetric needs is our #1 goal.